Download the Auto-Attendant Recording Cheat Sheet

Auto-Attendant recordings must be performed at the Attendant Station. This is typically extension 100, but your system may have been programmed differently.  Press [0] from any phone to ring the Attendant Station.

Auto-Attendant Greeting Recording

1) Press the [Transfer] button, then enter [0] + [6]

2) Enter the announcement number (001-100) that you wish to record.

3) When prompted to “PRESS REC TYPE (1-6)” press [1]
    You will hear the following prompt: “If you wish to leave a message press #".

  • 4) Press #, then record the greeting.

  • 5) Press the [Hold] when you have finished to end the recording

  • 6) Return to Step 2 if you want to record another greeting


7) Press the [Speaker] button to quit.

9071 Transfer Hold



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