Download the Ericsson-LG UCP "Conference Room" Cheat Sheet


Conference Room

With a Conference Room internal and external parties are invited to the conference and can join the conference without further action by you, the Conference Room Supervisor. A Conference Room can be password protected so that only parties that enter the password are allowed to join the Room. As parties enter the Conference Room a tone is provided notifying members that a party has entered the conference.

A maximum of 13 parties can join a Conference Room and two such conferences can be active simultaneously.

A system Attendant can view the list of participants in an active Conference Room and close any

Conference Room.

To set-up a Conference Room

  1. Press the [Trans/PGM] button.
  2. Dial 53 to create a Conference Room.
  3. Dial the desired Conference Room number (1-9)
  4. If desired, enter a password for the Conference Room (exactly 5 digits)
  5. Press the [Hold/Save] to establish the Conference Room.

To Join a Conference Room

Alternatively, we can dial by name:

  1. Lift the handset
  2. Dial 59 (Conference Room entry code)
  3. Dial the Conference Room Number (1-9)
  4. Dial the Conference Room password (if needed).

To Close a Conference Room

  1. Press the  (Transfer/Program) button
  2. Dial 54 (Conference Room close code)
  3. Dial the Conference Room Number (1-9)
  4. Dial the Conference Room password
  5. Press [Hold/Save] to delete the Conference Room

To Transfer an Active Call to a Conference Room

  1. Press the [Trans/PGM] button
  2. Dial 59 (Conference Room entry code)
  3. Dial the Conference Room Number (1-9)
  4. Dial the Conference Room password
  5. Hang-up to complete the transfer.

Your system administrator can program a selector code so that outside callers can select the conference room from your main auto-attendant.  A unique phone number may also be used just for a conference room.

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